Sunday, January 06, 2008

A new year

Well another year gone. A lot has happened this year. I have several projects on the bench right now. I'm kind of having a hard time concentrating on any one thing. The picture is of the Art Girona Continental Marine. It's a fairly nice figure. Fit and cleanup were a bit of an issue. I plan on using the harbor elements from Romeo for a setting. I hope it turns out well. It will be my donation to the Artist's Preservation Group. It should be done in time for the Atlanta show. I have a few other things in the hopper. The sculpting is wrapping up on my shadowbox. I've hit an engineering snag. I hope it's temporary. I'm trying terribly hard to get a master finished. I've had a very difficult time with this one. It's finally turning into what it's supposed to be. I started hammering together a small vignette using some figure bits that I hope will turn into something. More on that another time.

We had a good New Year's Eve party. There were about ten of us here. I had several too many drinks and playing Wii golf was a challenge at 1230.